this weekend was another fun time for Dragon and the local Golden Retriever, and a Dragon friend of mine along with his Mate a Wolf.
pics were taken, movies filmed...No, you can't have them..only a special few, like my Mate.
...I wish you were there...
The Goldie gave me a sparklie!
seems like it flew by - eep
lets see...the office is about done..thankfully - I've run into a busy spell, lots of network installs and followup's...
Local fur over again *^_^* we had some fun...giggles..
but it was more than that - he stayed a while, spent some time with dragon doing normal friend stuffs ^_^ killed me a few times in StarFox Assault. Mom and Bill came over to work in the house and he stayed ^_^ he made dinner, was very good.
..This month has been some nice fun times for Dragon, and we have something planed for next weekend as well - then i need to take a break and get housework done and it's Joe's turn to have the run of the place, he's not down with hanging around if any fun times are going on and I'll give him the same room for his own fun times ^_^
wow, am i tired right now...
I miss my Scott...Me and the local sat for a few hours, he talked about his stuffs and i talked about Scott
*^_^* but it was worth it.
there is this local fur, nice guy and cute as hell.
Yeah *^^* we spent the weekend exploring uncharted territory for the dragon sexually...mmm...imma be sore in the morning.
He is kinda in the same situation as me, his master is a bit of a distance away and will be for some time.
it will be a while for me before i can hold my Scott, be near him; care for and love him...
The Goldie is not a Scott replacement, nor is he ever going to be...I am so lucky to have a mate that understands and wishes for me to learn and grow - I'll be the better lover for him because of it.
I love him so very much...
been a long week.
Dragon body hurt.
our office is like still a mess...but all the stuff is moved...
...Now it all needs set up...
Had a local Fur over for a bit...There is not many around here, so it's a rare find ^_^
Dragon likes company to poke around the internet, chat face to face, play music and games with, watch movies - It was very enjoyable, i should hope it continues from time to time.
Went out partying with some people, Most i did not know - But it was Kat's birthday and she is a friend.
I seem to remember someone managing to drag me out onto the dance floor..yup...i suck at that...most of the place was pretty well snookered (as was I ... ) <_< >_> so i hope nobody noticed - topped off with breakfast at Denny's
2 nights in a row that ended at like's 9pm now and I'm feeling it...tail dragging (-_-)___,
I had fun at the club...I dont like the smoke and the drag i find funny but it's totally not my thing...and the music is too damn loud...Thats ok though 'cause i got to watch cute half dressed men dancing *purr*
It's also Nemmie's hatching day - happy hatching day Mr. big cuddely dragon *^^*
People..beings...come and go in your life.
Pets you grow fond of, you can see the spark of intelligence in their eye, feel that they had emotion. They love you back, their awareness of their own emotions are not important...They leave their mark upon you, and you will remember them when they are gone.
Rest in Peace Francis
yes, i can get a nice 65k to 70K house, and i can afford it. But. That leaves little to no extra money for some other expenses i will have. My truck has 282,000 miles on it and i need something more fuel savvy, my teeth are going to still be problems (i broke my upper temporary partial) and i plan on still taking trips from time to time to see Scott.
Everybody has different ideas about what i should do.
right now i am thinking about a nice but fairly in-expensive manufactured house. There are a few nice looking prospects in the listing for under 60K. The payments on those would be low. Yes, they don't acquire equity as much as a house...but i would be able to pay for a few things, have a few things i want and still have a nice place to live.
A certain amount of debt is a normal function of modern life. But i still need to be able to save up some money for certain things; like eventual moving. I have no desire to grow roots in a place i can't find happyness; i want to leave my options open and still be able to save.
...more thinking is needed and i don't have the money right now for the down payment anyway.
I need the advise of a dis-interested 3rd party that has knowledge of house buying
Lets see...updates...
looking at buying a house.
Been approved for a $75K mortgage, still need to shop around when the time comes.
Did some web searching and found a few prospects in the area.
Hopefully i can get something in the 50K range.
What I want is a 3 bedroom or a 2 bedroom with a good basement, preferably with a garage.
Joe may housemate with me a while, he is welcome to stay as long as he wishes; but upon his leaving i will be looking for a housemate to replace him. Works out better that way i think, so I'm not so lonely and living is expensive. It's needed in order to live comfortably. I'd prefer a gay housemate, i think it would help me be a bit more social.
How soon this will happen; i don't know. Still a lot of work to do in the house here, i want to get it done but i don't want it to consume my time. And i need to come up with $5K to be safe.
But at least i know I qualify for FHA and of a good amount so i can figure out the budget and make sure i don't 'go under'. I don't see this as a long term thing. I still have aspirations of leaving this place but i need to gain some equity. Housing is pretty easy to get right now due to the mortgage fallout, perhaps in a handful of years i will be able to sell for a profit...What i truly want Scott, just is not in my abilities to reach for be closer to you.
brought the truck to the shop to have injectors cleaned and fuel changed - normal stuff its been due for. Wow did the price on that go up..$215..oh and oops the air tube hose (the thing that goes from the air filter to the intake manafold) yeah, it broke yeah it's all brittle and must have been broken before we took it off to clean the injectors..yeah yeah..sure...
anyway, it's on order ($70) and the single layer of duct tape they put on the hose lasted all of 20 i taped it up real good with like a entire roll of tape -_- should be in on Wed.
ok..the CentOS machine is running, apache is configured for php and MySql. with Nemmies assistance i found a GUI to administer the MySql databases so thats working. B2evolution is installed and need to export/import the websites database and move a but load of php into the local website copy
PandaParty made me do this
1.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.'s pictures of screenshots for installing MySQL on a MAC
2.) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you reach?
3.) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Something in PBS about animals invading human living spaces
4.) Without looking guess what time it is?
5.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
6.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Duster on the bed licking herself
7.) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
hour ago, putting away some tools
8.) Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
umm...a er..toy..i got in the mail
9.) What are you wearing?
shorts, T shirt, my anklet
10.) What did you dream about last night?
11.) When did you last laugh?
oh my, I don't remember
12.) What are on the walls of the room you are in?
motherboards, shelves, my sword, a dragon poster, a pic of Scott, peg board, calender and my electronics degree.
13) Did you see anything weird lately?
nothing that i can remember
14.) What do you think of this quiz?
I say it on Rogerandum's page and thought it was neat
15.) What was the last film you saw?
16.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
new car, teeth, a house in Canada
17.) Tell me something about you that I don't know?
my brothers name in David
18.) If you could change one thing about the world...
Dragon's would not have to hide
19.) Do you like to dance?
20.) George Bush...
Moron doesn't have a clue that he is being used by others to make their war
21.) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
22.) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
23.) Would you ever consider living abroad?
24.) What do you want God to say when you reach the Pearly Gates?
“You never stopped trying to understand”
25.) Tag 4 people who must also do this in THEIR journal.
-_- I don't know 4 people that have journals...
yeah well I've been lazy and not done anything lately
My Mate is making a new house for us in Second Life - it's looking really goot!
within ten minuets of crossing the border into the USA, I notice one major thing...Filth...Trash everywhere, it's not like that in Canada, it's clean, people care. Here, there is trash everywhere, its disgusting.
Today was most certainly a day I'll never forget and forever treasure.
Ketchup potato chips...yup...i ate them today. They are are not totally hideous ^_^