
  06:24:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies
Be at Peace Miss Duster

Her spirit is not off this earth no longer and we committed her body to Mother Earth but she will never be gone.

I remember her sleeping in the dustpan, it was metal and sort of a pink color as I recall. When she was a kitten, very sick and so was I with my Crohn's; We took care of each other. She taught me how to Murf, could purr like nobody and she had a wonderful smile. We I came home she always had a hello murf for me; with a smile and her cute little pink nose. We love you Miss Duster and will miss you from now until we see you again.


  05:53:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Grandma Hope we call her...
How old is she we can't remember...but when she was younger she was a wet nurse to several litters of kittens. Her name comes from the fact that when she was only days old she was found alone at the side of the road. She was brought home and given to a then nursing mother cat. She was given hope, a chance to live. She did, and is a wonderful cat. Loving and cuddly,she loves to be held. She tolerates MissT but her bit for king and country are over.

Rest in Peace little Cat

  05:35:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

MissT showed up one night as a kitten. She was meowing in the middle of the road with Grandma Hope meowing back at her. I was strapped for time but i recognized the distress on the mew. She immediately jumped into my arms and purred...she lives outside with Hope but is a wonderful kitty that loves to be held and snuggled...she is rather mobile and difficult to photo...then one day she left, her job here was done; I hope she brings joy to another.


  08:16:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Prince was raised by hand by me since his 2nd day on this earth. His name comes from the fact that he would not take his bottle unless it was just right - picky. He is a beautiful floofy man with long soft fur. Very loving, likes to be petted and be under your arms or on your lap. Gay as hell, humps IT a lot and he's a compulsive masterbater, he 'likes' plushies and blankets. His tail is gigantic, when he was a baby he had horns! - really long tufts of fur on the top of his head, next to his ears that looked Just like horns (^_^) He's my baby.

  08:05:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

A rescue from my sister. His name came about because mom said not to give it a name or I would become attached to him...So his name became 'IT'. He is a stately man, mild mannered and very kingly. Loves on me, not so much with anybody else. I love it when he silently pads up and lays on my chest in bed - he's also gay (^_^) and humps Prince.
Prince is not quite the same since he passed away.


  09:42:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Yeah, like the PokeMon - Cause she talks a lot...She showed up one year at my fathers during a 4th of July party and went right to me. She is a very pretty cat, slim and slender and just a doll. She is very vocal, loves to purr all over you and every thing and one. She is a bit odd in that she plays fetch. She has this foam ball that she will mewmewmew and drop it at your feet and wait for you to pitch which she will retrieve and mewmewmew until you throw it again. And she loves all over Fancy. =^.^=

Be at Peace Little Cat.


  04:01:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Gone now from this Earth are you. I will remember your snoring and stealing my pillow in the night. Mysister calling you specskels when she was young, your purrpurr as you were held and cuddled, your cuteness when cuddeling Meouth or Duster...
...Good bye Mr. Speckles..you were a good cat...

Mr. Speckles is another of my sisters furbabies that i adopted. When she needed to move out to raise a child and go to school, Mr Speckles had to stay behind. He is a big teddy bear of a cat. He likes to sleep in the covers, and steals my pillow. He also snores! Loves to be held and cuddled, he will love you forever if you just pick him up and hold him fur hours.
He needed mouth surgery a while back to take care of tumors and infections in his gums - now mostly toothless and getting on in his years, he has developed what may be a congestive heart issue...He is still active and comfortable; I hope he remains, a big cuddle bear.


  02:51:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Duster gets her name for the fact that she liked to sleep in the dustpan as a kitten. Duster is my baby, she had a hard start in life. She developed some kind in infection that is believed to have been parvo. Her symptoms were lose of balance and she seemed to have an inner-ear problem, shaking her head all the time and scratching all the skin from her head. Her symptoms got bad to the point of needing help to eat and void but she never seemed to give up and slowly started to come back to us. Now her pretty gold eyes and cute pink noes greet me every morning. She loves to be in my lap and likes brushed very much. She is the queen of the house.

8/14/2010 - Rest Baby, I'll see you again one day


  06:34:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

4/19/2013 She lays next to her friend Miss Duster and Mr. Speckles..beloved pet, companion, friend, family...

Some Pics of Fancy Lu. She is sweet, gentle, protective and smarter than most people I know. She is very much a companion rather than pet. She was my sisters dog that she rescued when she worked in a Vet office. I was opposed to her bringing Fancy home because I knew I would get attached to her; I was right. Fancy spent several years as an outdoor dog. I built her a 4x4x4 insulated dog house. I noticed one year that her arthritis from an injury to her shoulder was bothering her in the winter...The dog house has been empty ever since.

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