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Mr. Speckles


  04:01:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Gone now from this Earth are you. I will remember your snoring and stealing my pillow in the night. Mysister calling you specskels when she was young, your purrpurr as you were held and cuddled, your cuteness when cuddeling Meouth or Duster...
...Good bye Mr. Speckles..you were a good cat...

Mr. Speckles is another of my sisters furbabies that i adopted. When she needed to move out to raise a child and go to school, Mr Speckles had to stay behind. He is a big teddy bear of a cat. He likes to sleep in the covers, and steals my pillow. He also snores! Loves to be held and cuddled, he will love you forever if you just pick him up and hold him fur hours.
He needed mouth surgery a while back to take care of tumors and infections in his gums - now mostly toothless and getting on in his years, he has developed what may be a congestive heart issue...He is still active and comfortable; I hope he remains, a big cuddle bear.

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