« Mr. SpecklesFancy Lu »



  02:51:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Fur Babies

Duster gets her name for the fact that she liked to sleep in the dustpan as a kitten. Duster is my baby, she had a hard start in life. She developed some kind in infection that is believed to have been parvo. Her symptoms were lose of balance and she seemed to have an inner-ear problem, shaking her head all the time and scratching all the skin from her head. Her symptoms got bad to the point of needing help to eat and void but she never seemed to give up and slowly started to come back to us. Now her pretty gold eyes and cute pink noes greet me every morning. She loves to be in my lap and likes brushed very much. She is the queen of the house.

8/14/2010 - Rest Baby, I'll see you again one day

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