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Had a local Fur over for a bit...There is not many around here, so it's a rare find ^_^
Dragon likes company to poke around the internet, chat face to face, play music and games with, watch movies - It was very enjoyable, i should hope it continues from time to time.
Went out partying with some people, Most i did not know - But it was Kat's birthday and she is a friend.
I seem to remember someone managing to drag me out onto the dance floor..yup...i suck at that...most of the place was pretty well snookered (as was I ... ) <_< >_> so i hope nobody noticed - topped off with breakfast at Denny's
2 nights in a row that ended at like 4am...it's 9pm now and I'm feeling it...tail dragging (-_-)___,
I had fun at the club...I dont like the smoke and the drag i find funny but it's totally not my thing...and the music is too damn loud...Thats ok though 'cause i got to watch cute half dressed men dancing *purr*
It's also Nemmie's hatching day - happy hatching day Mr. big cuddely dragon *^^*