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i can but i can't


  08:51:34 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

yes, i can get a nice 65k to 70K house, and i can afford it. But. That leaves little to no extra money for some other expenses i will have. My truck has 282,000 miles on it and i need something more fuel savvy, my teeth are going to still be problems (i broke my upper temporary partial) and i plan on still taking trips from time to time to see Scott.

Everybody has different ideas about what i should do.

right now i am thinking about a nice but fairly in-expensive manufactured house. There are a few nice looking prospects in the listing for under 60K. The payments on those would be low. Yes, they don't acquire equity as much as a house...but i would be able to pay for a few things, have a few things i want and still have a nice place to live.

A certain amount of debt is a normal function of modern life. But i still need to be able to save up some money for certain things; like eventual moving. I have no desire to grow roots in a place i can't find happyness; i want to leave my options open and still be able to save.

...more thinking is needed and i don't have the money right now for the down payment anyway.

I need the advise of a dis-interested 3rd party that has knowledge of house buying

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