
  10:57:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well we decided to go.
It's been a long time since i have been to a Con.
This one is a mish-mash and has always been fun in the past.
It was my first Con and will be Will's and a local Dragon that has been hanging around us for a while whom is going with us.

It will be good to get away for a bit even if we really can't afford it.


  04:05:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

The spam is still around. I changed the settings to require moderation of the posts to make it easier to remove them. The update will not address the problem as its just some bug fixes. the problem is reCaptcha is cracked.

Part of the electrical system to the 35+ year old tractor went up in smoke today; can't afford to replace the thing so i will have to do some jury rigging.

IF i stay in budget in gas and IF I don't buy any food for a month i should come up $500 short in the money i need to pay my state taxes. And that if i dont spend anything; like Will's birthday; we very much want to go to Conglomeration this year and i would need to pay for the hotel room now.


  07:41:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Yay! spam!
i cleaned it all out and made a change to the comments.
You will now have to be moderated!
<_< i need to upgrade the blog software again which is a pain because the light box software that runs the gallery pictures doesn't work and it took a friend that knows PHP a few hours to make it work. that means there are a few pages that have had the PHP changed and i will have to go through the code again at upgrade if things break. Ah well...
First step is syncing the offline blog up to current and updating the install in it.


  10:27:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

I can't make the ends meet.
Somehow i need to come up with $1600 to pay my state taxes.
Hopefully my federal return will come in soon and that will give me $600 but i still need another $1000
Where am i going to get that from.

My credit cards are maxed, there is nothing left after paying for my bills, and i do mean nothing.
Sometimes i have to put a few $100 on a card some months just to eat, pay for gas...

The only thing i can think of is to take the money from what little retirement i have,

I don't know what to do.


  10:30:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Not much of anything going on, lack of money and a way out of the mess we are in has been getting me down


  11:11:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

This e-automate database building/exporting we are doing at work is hard!

We had a new furfriend over for the weekend for some relaxation, chatting, movie and stuff.
We all seem to hit it off quite well and plan on spending more time together. (^_^)


  07:16:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

The transmission went out again in Will's truck...We would have preferred to pay it off and keep it around while saving up for a better one but nuuuu...So he got a better on this time and they wiped out what we still owed on the other. This one is much nicer but you pay a lot more for a car at a buy-here pay-here. It's an 03 or was it 06...Impala that looks very clean.


  10:58:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Yay! I completed Zelda Skyward Sword last..er..something around 3 am &#56;&#56;&#124;

I really hope the next console from Nintendo catches up graphics wise...at the moment the PS3 and Xbawx dance around it.

**spoilers a little**

The game it self was right up there with the current Zelda games in complexity. The side plots were there but were not as integrated into the ending as in previous ones. This one's main enemy was very much darker, pushing the limit of the games maturity rating. I rather liked that.

All in all it's a good game but not the best in the series.
Link is still the cute little hero in desperate need of tossing Zelda, whom always gets him in trouble, to the curb and getting himself a nice man.


  07:25:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well, it's day two for this week long school in Atlanta.

This time, unlike all other schools i have been to for work; it's not a technical class per say.

This time its over a software package we purchased to help run the company, that means i am here with others from the company; being the HR manager and the Owner. So things are a bit different..i.e. weird.

Other than that, it's boring as hell!


  10:56:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

big scary word...

FancyLu's cancer in her leg came back.
Rather than a small lump, i found a golf ball on her leg which quickly got to the size of a baseball in a few days.
They drained it, gave her antibiotics and now we wait.

Her age precludes removing it as it would remove too much muscle for her age and radiation it too expensive and also not good for her age

Also i have to go to Atlanta Sunday for e-automate training; right in the middle of rate change madness.


  01:08:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

So i got the chance to play my new Zelda - skyward sword for the first time this weekend...ermm...most of the weekend.

Its a pretty good game and has a lot of the things that make a good Zelda game, well..Good!

There are a few things about the interface I do not like. There is no map overlay widgit or any indication as to which direction you are facing which makes it hard to get to where you need to go. Your in world position changes when you enter your inventory or map so it's very easy to walk around in circles.

I have always gotten the players guides when playing a Zelda game because of all the things you have to keep track of with inventory and side quests, also world maps are needed because you cant make your own like we did 'back in the day'...The players guide sucks! The maps are very flat and show no depth of field and the directions are incorrect. It uses terms like left and right...useless in a 3D world...and saying things like walk around X when it really meant swim...

All in all the game is good otherwise.


  01:10:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

happy new year bitches!


  09:07:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well..holiday shopping is all done....meaning we ran out of credit cards!

Will's unemployment came through so that's going to help.

We are at Phaedrus's house doing geek things with his new wireless and Windoze 7 laptop which i am typing this on atm.


  10:18:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

One of the site admins and original founding members to kyfurs.com is leaving us. A sending away party in Lexington ensued. Although we really can't afford it, we felt like doing something away from here for my vacation and our anniversary so off we went. We all had a good time. (^_^)

Good luck on your endeavors Panda, you will be missed at Kyfurs.


  11:36:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Mmmmmnnnn...new bed is gooooood
I slept like a rock <_< Will still is!
very nice, although it looks much bigger in here than in the show room...hehe
Our room is dominated by it but its worth it.


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Vincent The Dragon

This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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