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  10:58:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Yay! I completed Zelda Skyward Sword last..er..something around 3 am 88|

I really hope the next console from Nintendo catches up graphics wise...at the moment the PS3 and Xbawx dance around it.

**spoilers a little**

The game it self was right up there with the current Zelda games in complexity. The side plots were there but were not as integrated into the ending as in previous ones. This one's main enemy was very much darker, pushing the limit of the games maturity rating. I rather liked that.

All in all it's a good game but not the best in the series.
Link is still the cute little hero in desperate need of tossing Zelda, whom always gets him in trouble, to the curb and getting himself a nice man.

No feedback yet

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