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health insurance company


  07:48:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

You know the one..The biggest one...the one you pretty much have to have...the one that's blue

out of 7 claims so far this year they have processed 2 of them correctly.
The remainder of the In-network services have been denied for no reason.

Hours on the phone so far this year.

Today the answer was that it's out of state and that's why.
It says on page fucking one of my gold level PPO contract that it's a multi-state plan.

Apparently they think i am supposed to show up in outpatient chemo services in Indiana, where it's administered then drive to Kentucky for the routine blood work that has to be done before the treatment then drive back to Indiana to finish the treatment then drive back to Kentucky to get the after administer blood work all in the same day?

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