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Nothing much going on..
Schools are not much in the way of fun. Have learned a lot about the machine but after the school is over there is not much to do. We have a Ricoh room at the hotel that has a nice pool table in it and the guys have been meeting there after the class to play a bit and..well..drink beerz. We get free drink coupons and it would be a shame to not use them!
They have done away with the Oak Ace award program so the motivation for getting a perfect score just is not there. All of the people in the class are all of an advanced level of technician (as am I) so for the most part things are rolling along fairly speedily and not requiring much in the way of explanaitions.
Today is the day that “bugs” are inserted into the machines and we are to de-bug them. Supposedly this is to test ones ability to troubleshoot but it is hard to re-create the real world issues you see so these can be a challenge for some…
I think I will log into SL tonight and see what’s going on; don’t want to drink too much tonight as Friday is the final test day and I will have to get up at like 4am to catch my Saturday flight out…not looking forward to that day at all.