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I returneth


  09:23:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
I returneth

Jet lag clearing...

Spent some time in SL re-looking at my AV skin...

I still need help I think with the parts I need to add.
The skin seems to look OK, or at least when i ask i get no negative comments...

I need to tweak the skin...the fingertips don't line up where i want.
The color and texture are good though...at least i think they are as close as i can get them with my current skill level.

The part i am having problems with is the lower leg and feet...i cant seem to figure out how to build what i want and the parts i have tried to mod from other AV's come out goofy looking due to differences in shading/lighting.

Most furry AV's have enormous foot paws and i don't like that look at all..i like a more natural look...

I will post a few picks of what i look like so far.

I normally wear shorts but you cant see the upper thigh when i do, so sorry for the skimpy underwear *blushes*

If anybody other that myself actually reads this blog (I don't think i have any traffic other than randoms and bots and i doubt there will ever be any unless i have some actual content) I would loove some feedback - positive or negative ...

I returneth
I returneth
I returneth

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This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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