
  08:12:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Tracking number status: Delivered, left at front door.

Really?..who's door?
Not mine.

My mail box has our house numbers on it in big friendly reflective number, on both sides even...
The company that sent the package wants me to go door to door...no? ...I gave them my exact Longitude and Latitude this time, Send OOPS out to the house they left a $250 package at and bring it here.


  12:45:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

So, i have taken momey i got for the holiday and added a bit here and there and bought me something. A video card for my aging computer, its starting to show its age and since i cant afford to rebuild the entire thing i will start with peripheral parts. First is the video card, i have chosen an Nvidia GTX 760. The next thing to be upgraded will be moving to install and SSD boot drive..but it is unlikely that is going to happen any time soon. Money situation will not get any better for another 2 or 3 years. I am paying 465 a month towards old medical debts and the hospital things thats not good enough since those debts currently reside in credit loans. The hospital got their money then and they want the rest now so they have garnished my wages. Thats another 150 a month out of the budget.


The place i work at still mostly sucks, nothing ever really changes there. The job market out there is bleak unless you drive a truck or are willing to make not enough money to survive on.

My Crohn's is still acting up and i have little doubt its because of bad stress at work and bad stress about money.

happy new year?


  09:34:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Okay..one..I did get hot water Sunday at about 9pm...and it cost about $300 in parts.

So,like beginning of the week it decides to be 70 degree out side and raining all day, then the temperature tanks and its not raining ice, then just ice...then 6 inches of snow, then the temp goes in the 20's.

Roads turned to shit fast.
Anyway, I managed to make it all the way to and from work okay and really only saw one car that ran off the road and got stuck...
Go ahead, look at the picture, I'll wait...
Yep..snow plow...really?...this guy needs fired.
Anyway..made it home, into the driveway, which needs a lot of work so i slipped off its edge and burred the car to the frame in the mud!...took hours the next day and help from a friend but it's unstuck and seems to be undamaged....Thanks Joe.

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  12:05:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

because i worked it until it did.
about 12 or so hours of work so far.
in another 12 hours of work, i may have hot water.

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  11:26:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

soo..I finally found the smell in the water heater closet.
the drain valve at the bottom of the tank is leaking...who is the stupid fuck that made that assembly out of plastic?

I took out the valve stem and replaced the o-ring..no good...coated the damn thing in rubber glue..better but drip drip drip
Will not know if i can just replace the valve entirely until i get the water heater out. Also Who is the dumb fuck that put carpet in a water heater closet. I did not know the floor was wet because its under the carpet...oh, yeah..now the floor and dry wall needs to come out...

Anyone wishing to assist me...I'll be working on it tomorrow.


  08:47:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

She was found near the garage.
She sleeps now.
She was a good cat.
I held her in my arms yesterday.
I returned her to the Earth today.

Rest well sweet cat.



  07:57:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

So, i had been using GCstar as my media collections manager. It has some really nice features but it is not being kept up to date so a lot of the features break a lot.

I replaced it with Tellico and although there are 2 small features missing from it, it does something the other program did not.
All i have to do is click a box, grab my hand held bar code scanner and *boop* the UPC or ISBN bar code and the program parces Amazon's open API feature to pull in all the movie/cd/book..etc. information into my local database.
It even tracks loaned out materials and lets me know when its been out there too long...>_> that reminds me i have a few movies i borrowed from a friend that need returned.


  02:17:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
Free to a good home

It's big.
It's Portable.
It's free to anyone that can use it.

The screen is aprox 56 inch by 56 inch white area and its in perfect condition.
It has been taking up space under my bed for years. Why dragons keep stuff like is is in our nature but i would like to find a home for it.

PM, YIM, email, text, smoke screen, swing by the house, message by bird...whatever just let me know if anyone can use it and we will work out the rest.

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  01:02:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

We now have DirectTV.
Ever since over air TV went digital we have not had much luck with it and i gave up trying to work out an antenna system so we only used the DVD player (now a Blu Ray), the HTPC and Netflix for home entertainment. Movies are great but they are once in a while things. The HTPC is hampered by slow Internet out here and the servers hard drive space needing serious upgrading that I can't afford and Netflix just kinda sucks for the most part.

The shiny new dish hidden behind the house out of sight is thanks to Will's determination in being smoke free. Cigs are expensive and the money saved pays for the dish and more. I know he is not %100 smoke free but i am proud of him for what he has done so far. Smoking is hard to stop so if you are a friend of his, encourage him.

We will be stopping the netflix and I am going to kill the home phone...we NEVER use the damn thing and now that its VOIP if the power goes out so does the phone and they have added a new Cell tower in the area so our cell phones work in the house. As such, I don't see the point in having the home phone.


  03:34:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

I don't know what is going on at work. Something chained when the last new technician quit; he went all off on the bosses and let them know what is all fucked up about this place. There was an immediate about face and things were going pretty good but it's quickly slipping back into crap. Not surprisingly right after hiring a new guy (this behavior has happened every time i get someone new). Guy has been here less than a month and already letting his manager (me) know that this place is a shit hole. Now, there seems to be some behind the scenes little meetings between employees and the boss, people are giving me the cold shoulder and leaving me out of the decision making processes; I am being treated like a simple technician rather than a manager...Something is going on, My techs are loyal to me and have expressed some concern but are trying hard not to just come out and say it. Likely they are were told something in secret and were told to keep it that way.

At any rate, the search for a different job is ongoing but there is nothing out there that pays anything...You can't live on a $12.00/hr job.



  11:29:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Polk Audio PSW10 10-Inch Monitor Series Powered Subwoofer

The subwoofer on the DTS system has been broken for what seems like years. My BF bought me a new one for my birthday...Its awesome


  06:57:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Summary judgment, garnishment of %25 of your income...
Welcome to america, you have 3 choices.
1) below poverty but since thats rewarded by tons of government programs you may well live better and have more things than most people. You may not have 'money' but there are very few trailer trash red neck domiciles that I see that don't have a satellite dish bolted to the side. Your school, medical, food, utilities are subsidized or paid for by choice 3.
2) Rich...you can be rich and stay that way because you make enough or have enough to take advantage of all the loop holes or can get most of your living expenses taken care of by hiding things inside other costs.
3) Middle class...working poor...the people that make this country go, we do all the real work, foot all the bills and are taxed beyond our fair share.

I have nothing, no savings, no retirement, nothing towards entertainment or material things.

People keep telling me that's its all bull shit and I should be able to file for assistance or bankruptcy.
Well...no, I can't … Things that don't count against my out cost of living are the things that don't go towards my life. The country we live in doesn't acknowledge same sex anything, and the state we live in doesn't really either...can't claim him as a dependent because he claims dependents himself...food, phone, stuff for the car like parts and gas that he can't afford because nobody can live on an entry level wage must get removed from the equation. Corporate america has made it so that ALL jobs are entry level. Hell I got let go from my last job because of my paycheck, they fired everyone then re-hired at entry level wages and its the same everywhere I look. Tons of jobs on-line...all entry level pay for technical jobs requiring college level education...

I see no way out
I see nothing in the future
I have lost


  11:37:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Late Sunday evening I go downhill fast. I have been feeling a bit off for a bit but...
104 degree temp and Will finds me in bed mostly out of it..Ambulance ride!

I still feel off, the hospital says its viral but doesn't know what it is...take Tylenol and just deal with it...It will burn out or get worse.


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Vincent The Dragon

This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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