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Will is off for a handful of days so we were wanting to spend some time together and mebe go out. Money stopped us but then we came up with some unexpected cash. We went out to eat, my insides we feeling twitchy but...We were going to waste a little time at Wally world before the movie but my insides decided otherwise. Crohn's moment, had to return home.
The is exactly the kinda crap I am getting real tired of. I have an event and if i am not at home when it happens and have access to things to clear it up then I am in pain for the rest of the night. And it was a late night, I got things under control around 2am.
Also, Those commercials Discover has about them treating you like you would treat yourself is a load of fetid stinking shit. They have refused to play nice and negotiate and have opted to sue me instead. Fuckers.