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So, i have taken momey i got for the holiday and added a bit here and there and bought me something. A video card for my aging computer, its starting to show its age and since i cant afford to rebuild the entire thing i will start with peripheral parts. First is the video card, i have chosen an Nvidia GTX 760. The next thing to be upgraded will be moving to install and SSD boot drive..but it is unlikely that is going to happen any time soon. Money situation will not get any better for another 2 or 3 years. I am paying 465 a month towards old medical debts and the hospital things thats not good enough since those debts currently reside in credit loans. The hospital got their money then and they want the rest now so they have garnished my wages. Thats another 150 a month out of the budget.
The place i work at still mostly sucks, nothing ever really changes there. The job market out there is bleak unless you drive a truck or are willing to make not enough money to survive on.
My Crohn's is still acting up and i have little doubt its because of bad stress at work and bad stress about money.
happy new year?
I like the idea of using MINT, if memory serves me correct it uses some proprietary video software and lots of proprietary codexs. I assume that is one of the reasons you’re going to use it. What other advantages does it have over Ubuntu?
Well..no..as far as i can see its very much the same as Ubuntu or any Debian variant. What Mint offers to those of us that fell in love with Ubuntu is that the interface is very much like Gnome2 and not all stupid like Unity or Gnome3 that make themselves look like windows 8 or an iPad or the proverbial lemming…and the sound system works with out serious tweaking.
In Short, its like Ubuntu when Ubuntu was king.