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In response to: Aaaahhhhh! That tastes goooood!

Comment from:

thats some good work so far Vince! keep up the good work. its coming out well!. looking forward to helping you out as well when i visit. ^^

09/29/18 @ 05:27 pm

In response to: Vacation

Comment from:

Thanks for all your help with the networking I certainly enjoyed your company.

02/04/17 @ 01:32 am

In response to: moeuth

Comment from:

My heart goes out to you and Meouth.

11/28/16 @ 07:13 pm

In response to: I do !

Comment from:

Congratulations to the two of you! :)

11/04/16 @ 01:33 am

In response to: Car obtained

Comment from:

Good luck with your Trailblazer!

08/01/16 @ 10:18 am

In response to: Dragon!

Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

…being gay has nothing to do with any of these issues; your deflecting.

Wolf…stop smoking, eat better, exercise, help dragon.

08/07/15 @ 10:19 am

In response to: Dragon!

Comment from:

So I sit here wide awake at 257am Central Standard Time. Why…because my mind won’t shut down. Because I look back on my life and realize I’ve not accomplished anything. I’m 35 years old….I’m a CNA and EMT and that is about as far as I have gotten in my health care career. I finally realized that I am a failure. Reason for saying this is true. Its like no matter how hard I try, nothing is working. I can barely afford medications that I need to take and have to rely on the government to help me out, something at my age I shouldn’t be doing. I work at a job I really like but not that good with money. It barely pays my bills as in, car, insurance, internet, phone, food, my computer.
I sit here as I type now taking a handful of my medications I need to in order to be better and injecting myself with another medication I need to keep me going. While taking these pills, I’m crying….why, because I’m tired of being sick, I’m just tired. Maybe some of these people are right, this is probably God’s way of punishing me for being gay. I’m at my last string on the rope we call life.
Still as I type more and more tears roll down my face. Because I look back on my life and feel that I have let my family down. My my grandmother was right, maybe because of my lifestyle, is the reason why my dad passed away in 2005. Maybe this is the reason why I’ve ended up like him in some ways as me having a heart attack at 34 in October, and now being a diabetic. I realize now, that everything that has happened to me….according to all the groups out there is because I am gay.
I’m sitting here and its hard to type….because I’m ashamed of myself. Ashamed to be called a human being because, in reality according to some, the true measure of a person is their ability to be productive in society. But I’m not productive. All I do is bring pain and misery to all that come in contact with me. I kinda knew when I was born, that my birth alone would cause so much heart ache to my family. Its because of me the reason why my family is they way they are today.
This is by no way is not how I wanted my family to be. But I have to admit, because me being gay, my family is now tainted. I don’t want them to suffer for my life style. I don’t want my great nephews or my niece and nephew about to come into this world, to have to worry about not being able to be them because of me.
Some times I wonder, what would have happened if maybe, I wasn’t born, I know how that would be…my family would be happier, they wouldn’t have to worry about struggling on a day to day basis because of me being gay. They wouldn’t have to worry about defending me and putting their own lives on hold to keep people from trying to hurt me. They wouldn’t have to worry about struggling about money and food sometimes. They would be happy and care free. That black cloud that is over them would be gone….the reason for that black cloud is me…..because of my lifestyle.
I pray every night that God would give them a break. They would be able to be whole again. But then again, I realized, God doesn’t hear my prayers because, God doesn’t like gays….I am a gay guy….so why should he hear me.

08/07/15 @ 06:20 am

In response to: New Webhost

Comment from:

Glad to see you up and running.

12/02/14 @ 01:08 am

In response to: New Webhost

Comment from: Vincent The Dragon


11/30/14 @ 01:28 am

In response to: early birthday present

Comment from:

What a score !! Happy Early Birthday

07/11/14 @ 01:18 am

In response to: mess?...what mess?

Comment from:

That is positively gory. Poor thing.

05/28/14 @ 08:36 pm

In response to: I've just picked up a fault in the EA-35 unit

Comment from:

give me a call. . .

05/21/14 @ 10:51 pm

In response to: sad

Comment from:

Sorry for your loss, however it is very near impossible to rescue baby rabbits…
I know, I’ve tried. You have my sympathy.


04/17/14 @ 12:33 am

In response to: really?

Comment from:


01/07/14 @ 11:18 pm

In response to: Fisrt post of the year

Comment from: Vincent The Dragon far as i can see its very much the same as Ubuntu or any Debian variant. What Mint offers to those of us that fell in love with Ubuntu is that the interface is very much like Gnome2 and not all stupid like Unity or Gnome3 that make themselves look like windows 8 or an iPad or the proverbial lemming…and the sound system works with out serious tweaking.

In Short, its like Ubuntu when Ubuntu was king.

01/05/14 @ 11:01 pm

In response to: Fisrt post of the year

Comment from:

I like the idea of using MINT, if memory serves me correct it uses some proprietary video software and lots of proprietary codexs. I assume that is one of the reasons you’re going to use it. What other advantages does it have over Ubuntu?

01/05/14 @ 09:28 pm

In response to: R.I.P. Siren

Comment from:

You have my condolence.

11/26/13 @ 12:13 pm

In response to: Free to a good home

Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

You want it back?
I never found a home for it…

11/13/13 @ 07:27 pm

In response to: Free to a good home

Comment from:

I remember that.

11/13/13 @ 12:03 am

In response to: Geek on!

Comment from:

Goodness gracious me!

11/11/13 @ 11:19 pm
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