« hmmmTears of the Dragon »



  12:32:43 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

i felt it coming on during the week..i should have know better...When i have periods of lucid creativity is a good sign that i am getting sick...With all the windy mush/slush/rain we had during the week...It started to hit me Friday, got worse in the trip up and Sunday i felt really really bad. High fever, i am sure, my upper back and neck are still hurting and I'm not feeling the best..but..Scott had a chest cold too, we joked that we seem to always do things together..I must have given him my sickness too...He went to the hospital last nigh...
I am sorry Love, i wish i was by your side...at least i could keep your water glass filled or give you tissues or something.

You ill, it's prolly un-intentionally my fault and i can't do nothing about it



Comment from: Mary  

Do you need antibiotics? Can I have the lap top?

03/11/08 @ 11:21 am
Comment from: OpenRebel

As I said Vincent, it’s not your fault. It was the flu and it hit me full on a day before you arrived.

03/13/08 @ 10:22 am

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