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Will do anything for money


  07:27:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Bills i can't pay this pay check:
State tax estimate $100
Phone/cellphone/internet $285
small credit card i have but the bank shutoff because my credit is in the shit can $25
medical credit card used for dental expenses (WAY past due on 6 month checkup) $50

now..i did pay my medical insurance but it was a few days late...so they canceled my coverage.
I send off a very detailed response to the lawyers suing me on behalf of the hospital for like $12,000 i still own them stating pretty much that i expect to go at least $5000 in the red this year...Their response is to file for a default judgment against me...You pay now!

So...why try anymore?...why work?...why bother trying to live?

we are having ramen noodles and boiled eggs for supper and for some reason thats beyond me, i will wake up tomorrow and go to work.

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