« working poorWill do anything for money »

not much better


  09:55:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Money is still not there.
saving some by dropping my car insurance to state minimum.
Also, I am not on Will's medical insurance as the place he work allows same sex domestic partners on the insurance. Thats going to help a little. My pay will go down since I will no longer be getting a stipend added to my check to help with health care but it will still save about $150 a month and also the deductible will be less so mebe we can get out of this hole or mebe i can afford to find a job somewhere else.

On a good note, we went and saw the new Start Trek movie. It was pretty damn good, I like hoe they gave several nods to us old school fans and incorporated lots of things from the original time line. The plot of the movie was not as riveting as its old school counterpart but all in all it was a good movie.


Comment from:

Glad to hear things are getting a bit better. I haven’t heard much from you lately and was getting a bit concerned. Observatory is coming along nicely.

06/09/13 @ 10:47 pm
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

That is because i have been working late every day for the past few months…I see no end of it in site…I’ll either keel over or find a better job.

06/10/13 @ 07:42 pm

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