« The House Project... | bathroom and service drop » |
Next - The bathroom and exterior wall - the bathroom tub was a one piece fiberglass unit that was falling apart and leaking due to its age. also the floor joists under it were bad - the main water damage to the house was done just behind the tub where the utility closet is. Seems a long leaking washing machine was the culprit. So...out comes the tub (in pieces) the floor and joists and the exterior wall. Termite damage and in order to get a new tub/shower unit it; you have to go through the wall as it will not fit through a standard 36 inch door and make the corners necessary to finagle it into the house. I upgraded the new floor to tile (^_^) [my first tiling job] and fixed some oddness with the wiring. This was the most massive undertaking yet as it could not be patch up over the week - So this is how i spent a weeks vacation, also my father came down to help with the work and use of his truck/trailer to get the needed supplies (Thanks Dad and Phillis)