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bathroom and service drop


  07:01:13 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: The House Project

Bathroom all finished – lees some trim work and any extra crap mom want to put up which she will do when the house is returned to her. Moving along the back. Not much to see there as it was fairy straight forward, although i should have gotten a few shots of the attic work. That consisted of finishing the wiring changes and upgrading the insulation up there on one half of the house.
Moving along with the wiring was hiring a contractor to move the electrical service to the inside, where it belongs and upgrading it to something that was less the 40 years old.


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So heres the story...mom took care of me for a long time when i was struggling with Crohn's. This is her house, and over the years it kind of got a bit run down and was lacking in some much needed upgrades. We knew for sure that there was some real issues with the house when the back bedroom floor fell away from the baseboard 5 inches and you could punch to the outside world! The structure of the house was compromised by termite damage and water damage cause by a drainage issue and the previous owner letting a massive leak behind the washer go un-controlled. I don't have the early pictures - i wish i did - as the back bedroom had to have the entire floor, sub floor, and all the floor joists replaced. the 'siding' of the house is little more than crushed paper and retains water something terrible. The remodel includes replacing the siding, upgrading the wiring(the damn breaker box was on the outside of the house), gutters, soffets, insulation upgrades, 1/4 of the floor joists in the house replaced, totally gutting the bathroom, building a new kitchen, replacing all the doors and windows...So yeah its been a bit more that i can handle both fintually and i seem to be the only one actually working on the damn thing...but i am getting there.


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