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ooo..Pretty Ice


  11:56:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
ooo..Pretty Ice

the rain comes and as the temperature waxes and wanes it turns to ice, then snow, than back to ice as Mother Nature rants undecided. The trappings of mankind interrupted as the world bends to her power. The trees naked in the storm awake to find themselves in a sheen of glass. Beautiful but heavy, sullen and like delicate crystal works some break and shatter and splinter themselves upon the land, draping and pulling against the wires of humanity. So then dose humanity hovel itself inside, disconnected from the warmth they have so been accustomed to. Like all thing the glass passes, the warmth of the sun breaches the world of crystal and ice. The delicate still covered structures become wet and bright like sugar candy sucked wet by the sun. Slowly the wires of humanity are strung anew and they get back to the lives they knew. Some perhaps more worse the wear, some angry about things they can not move, and the rest reflective in the face of Natures eternal grip on the world. We are but just one of the creatures that walk upon her, and although we alone of them all have the power to both destroy and save Her, we should not forget that she has the same power over us.

Yup..big ass ice storm, been without power since Sunday night and yet still...I find it disconcerting however that in the community that i live in..not a single person has managed to get out of their homes and check on their neighbors, Make sure everyone is dry and warm for the night, clothed or hungry..No, they rely on those they put in power to save them, hold their hands and tell them what to do...what to consume; for it's all they know how to do..Take, consume...It's no wonder the USA is where its at..all the power of the Sates has been chiseled away, as the constitution is re-written to put the power of the people on the hands of the Federal government...it's easier that way..you don't have to take responsibly or be expected to produce anything.

ooo..Pretty Ice
ooo..Pretty Ice
ooo..Pretty Ice
ooo..Pretty Ice

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This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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