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oh my *^_^*


  05:23:42 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

I few sexual firsts for me.
I had a muzzle job dome to me while he had an ice cube in his mouth...interesting feeling.
um, and i was topped...
I have issues there, i have a fissure that will never heal due to damage from Crohns so i have to be careful and I'm really really tight down there...Sure big cocks are fun to hold and play with but ones Like Puppies are the perfect size for me; Just right ! Nice size but not to big to fit AnyWhere. A perfect mouthful (*^_^*) and more !

It felt good, not like Great! or anything, not like my toy. But i was a bit scared and stuff...I'm sure that had an effect as i was not just letting myself enjoy the feelings as i was kinda concentrating on if i felt pain or stuff. Something i will want to try again, most certainly.

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