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  07:44:20 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

New guy is going to take some time to train, we have had mostly wind shield time so that makes it hard. I am swamped at work and things are backed up; when i am at the shop i am interrupted like every 15 mins...

Will's truck is still broke...my sister has lent me her car for a bit.

We had sister, her BF, a family friend, niece, mom along with me and Will were here for mothersday...oh, yeah and mom.

Me and Joe, the family friend replaced the struts in sisters car (the one i am borrowing) then we had ribs!.
It was a nice day.

one half of my yearly income goes right to health care...that really sucks because we don't have much left over for bills and life.

1 comment

Comment from: Nemmie

damn dragon you need to hit the lotto and become a beach bum hehe

05/09/11 @ 09:42 pm

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