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Healthy meal ?


  08:58:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
Healthy meal ?
Healthy meal ?

So..like we are trying to eat healthier.
We have all lost some weight.
Here is tonight's meal.
...Perhaps not the best health wise but it's not so bad. Only use halve the ramen and none of it's salt..i mean flavor...packet.
Lets see, we got bokchoy slices, some leak slices and some of the leaves, carrot, green bean, garlic, 'bella mushrooms, celery, a few pot stickers from a box and some really thinly sliced beef round that i soaked in various hotish sauces for a while before tossing into the boiling veggy broth.
On the side we have some leftover wild rice from yesterday's chicken butter curry, a few pickled veggies and pickled jalapenos.

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