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Camping trip


  08:01:55 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

We went camping this weekend.
It had fun and not so fun moments.

We had a little black fox along, a local fur; we had some fun together *^^*

Will got a few things off his chest and we had a nice couple of talks about it.

The not fun part was that i tried some pot for the first time in my life. NOT a good experience.
I should have waited for my Mate to arrive there but i did not. I got paranoid and freaked out on the Fox -_-
It felt like i had lost control and i did not like it. somewhat disconnected from my body, the world moved in stop motion almost like strobe effect. It was very disorientating and i puked like mad. I saw odd things when my eyes were closed and opening them seems to snap my brain into "scared as shit" mode.

It is not likely i will ever try that again.

Once the icky effects passed, the other effects people say are good i did have as i got horny as all heck.

I leave out for a week long school in Georgia this weekend, i am kinda looking forward to not being at work...


Comment from: Keith

Sorry about the pot experience. It’s the last thing in my non-insurable state that works for my Crohn’s.

11/23/10 @ 08:04 pm
Comment from:

Well your mate was right you should have waited. But of course sometimes you never listen do you. I’m glad you had fun cause I was miserable the whole time I was there cause I was left out of everything. I was made to feel like a second class citizen in my own relationship. I never wanna feel that way again.

11/29/10 @ 03:48 am
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

apparently we are having a fight over the Internet about subjects we have already discussed.

11/29/10 @ 07:44 pm

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