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a few perks!


  04:07:47 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

so like copiers take hard drives - standard ones.
one of mine takes 4 of them. Now i have had this goofy issue with scanning that required me to replace them. You have to replace all 4 of them and they need to all be raw drives. I did so and brought the 4 home with me (there is no warentee on them and i get nothing for turning them back in) all 4 check out in diagnostics with means the scanning issue is likely still not fixed but i now have 4 80Gig drives for free!

actually lots of the drives i have used in places like my server are copier drives - copiers don't have bad sector maping so if one comes up with a bad sector it has to be replaced, i just mark a few sectors before and after the bad spot and some of these drives have been in a server, on 24x7 for a few years without ever failing.

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