be back when i run out of food or beer
its back up and running, not the best but it's what is could afford and it's functional
Hal3 is made from the disks of Hal2 and the mobo/cpu/memory from the HTPC
I used Ubuntu Server this time...Much easier than CentOS to configure.
installed Samba and did not have to muck as much with the smb.confg file
installed all the hardware monitoring stuff without incident.
NX Nomachine remote administration works without glitches like with CentOS.
all i had to do was plug in the printer...
raids all work and are easy to check their status
Yay! the job interview was a waste of my time.
(I did have fun seeing the guys and so did Kaz)
I came home to cat puke running down my HDTV.
(I managed to fix it almost perfectly)
The motherboard i had for the CPU i ordered to fix HAL is fried
(i did get my severance pay)
I'm sorry Dave, i can't do that...
Hal2 is half of his RAID controller has gone non-responsive.
I have a motherboard that will work fine as it's replacement, but it takes a different processor. One i don't have...
AC == Fun
Qat and Ty went with, along with Kazuki and his online friend from ohio.
We had a good time, lots of walking.
This being my first FurCon, i did well. Things will be different next time but all in all it was a wonderful time.
Now i have to figure out how to pay for it -_-
...I want a fur suit
There was like a million $ of art i wanted, and none of it was 'art'
I met Foxxy for the first time; he will forever be a wonderful furiend
Could have done without the 12 hours of driving one way, but meh.
Now it's time to finish putting things away, do paperwork and shit and get ready for my interview on the 14th in the area where Qat lives...woot! cross your talons
this time i am setting here updating Kaz's laptop and getting vista working right again (re-installing)
AC is almost here!
ummm...ok bye now
working outside
watchen movies in the evening with Kaz
doing web searches for jobs
getting ready for Anthrocon
nothing exciting
Kaz seems to be a regular fixture here, i don't mind but he does just kinda get on a computer and stay there all day...meh...mebe it's like a get-away for him *shrugs*
getting a lot of work done on the house....getting all the stuff planned out for AnthroCon...other then the "got no money" part i am ok i guess.
Once i get back from the Con, though i got to get me a job...being poor sucked when i was young and it still sucks now...
welcome back from your school and please turn in all of your stuff, your fired
The Konica C6500 series is truly an amazing machine....wish i would see one in a configuration other than the bottom line basic model...wish i would see ANYTHING from my company in the way of high-end machines; like i excel at..
Spending the weekend at Qat and Ty's - will return to my lair Sunday, where i will glomp a fox i seem to be missing *^^*
now whet the fuck am i supposed to do over the weekend?
...i am not a sight see kind of person...not alone anyway.
None of the guys in the class want to do anything with here i am...bored...
As for class..its ok...i learned a few things. The remainder of the class will be on accessories that i will never see.
...this is an awful lot for the ONE machine i have out there and i will NEVER have more than that...I have plenty of beer in the fridge...wish i had someone to share it with (-_-)
in this troubling economic time we are taking every change we can to fuck our employees so we can continue to live our own lifestyles. Effective immediately there will be no compensation for employees 'on call' for after hours and 24 hour support. Thank you
got my per-diem check for the school today
its a bit over $200 less that the paperwork i was know the per-diem that was to be good so as to make up for having to drive for 16 hours without pay or deal with the 0.32 a mile I'll get for mileage or the time out of the field when I'll make a shitty bonus because of that...
reason? dick head decided to change the policy
it just keeps getting to be a better and better place to work! ... manager says "better than looking for a job.."
yeah, you know what?...sorry but scare tactics don't work on me...I have been near death more than once, been abused, been poor, been struggling my entire fuck you!
When you fire me, you will have lost the best damn technician you've ever had and I'll survive you just as i have all the other shit i have been thru