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week one down...


  06:18:05 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

now whet the fuck am i supposed to do over the weekend?
...i am not a sight see kind of person...not alone anyway.

None of the guys in the class want to do anything with me...so here i am...bored...

As for class..its ok...i learned a few things. The remainder of the class will be on accessories that i will never see.

...this is an awful lot for the ONE machine i have out there and i will NEVER have more than that...I have plenty of beer in the fridge...wish i had someone to share it with (-_-)


Comment from: Bill  

Dude, you need to find another job. Your current employer has been going in the wrong direction since that Tom Phillips asshole was hired. I would have thought that an educated guy like Eric would have pulled his head out of his ass long enough to see what was happening, but I overestimated his intellect. Let them fire you….unemployment isn’t so bad and you can find plenty of computer side jobs if you need extra cash. I’m done with the copier business and I can’t say that I miss it. There are much better things out there and you certainly have the skills to do so much better.

06/11/09 @ 05:03 pm
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

yeah…i know…and i deserve more. I took the opportunity to talk with just about every person there at school to try and find some leads…nothing…some were in the same boat as me; not even sure they will be returning to a job.

I do job searches online all the time in the areas i want to move to… Nothing…

if it were not for my need for medical care; I’d walk away from it all.

06/13/09 @ 10:01 am

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