rummaging in the shelves
Built a test bed
every geek needs one
I always kinda liked this odd case, saturated in blue LED's
the neat analogue temperature dial
It's a pretty clean build if i do say so
Old hardware, AMD Sepmteron 3000
dual booting Win7 pro and Mint Linux
Have a look.
Tell me your thoughts.
Don't be Jelly of my Jam
this is what i did this weekend.
Blackberry Jam made from blackberries i grow myself.
Well..Things are slow as of yet but the web site is now on a new web host...This post also serves as a test post so more information will follow.
so..i am wally world picking up a few things. They have nice cheap bread and i needed some flea meds for the cat...and some other crap that i cant get at a good price elsewhere.
checkout person puts the flea killer and the bread in the same bag...
So I had a friend over for a few days and he brought a game along. I liked it!
I found it used at the local game store and have been playing Super Paper Mario ^_^
it fun...other than right now it's pissing me off with a side quest that is rather lengthy and towards the end it like to just decide you have played long enough and it just kills you.
The first time i tried updating the blog it all blew up.
This time i took it in smaller increments...note to self...Do Not Get So Far Behind On Software Updates!!
Anyway...took all day but the main blog is running. The other blogs can wait as they are no longer really updated.
Now, to find a new web host and move the entire thing.
Aslo, i got out the Dutch oven and chacoal'd
So...we, me and a friend, rebuilt my main workstation Shiny.
Made from some parts two friends of mine donated to me.
Rocking a nice Gigibyte motherboard, and AMD Phenom2 956 black, and an SSD.
It working rather nicely and quite it boots so fast its crazy.
The website needs to be updated and moved elsewhere. The web host i use has gotten too expensive.
Other than that, just been cleaning the house and orginizing.
This is in response to something posted elsewhere.
Yes, it sounds like a small thing. Bringing home a puppy. We are not allowed to have any more animals in the house we don’t own. The one mom pays for, pays for electricity, water, insurance, trash pick-up and tosses in more even to pay for the mowing on the tractor she bought. The puppy discussion has been had on several occasions but no, William comes first. You do know the two cats here have been exposed to parvo and the puppy could get sick and die. There is no food in the fridge and the tires on your car are bald but sure, a puppy comes first. It's not like i came out and asked a few weeks ago when you had days off that perhaps it would be nice to fix me a meal for us to share together when i got home since you know, i come home from work and fix you food always even when you don’t let me know you have decided to eat at your mom’s or something. Oh, wait, I asked for gas money and spent your time off elsewhere. ..the finger pointing game works both ways but I ask that we digress and step back and simply move on with our lives now as individuals.
Always remember that despite growing apart, there was and still is love there. There is no reason you should not continue to better your life because despite the recent illness. You have come up in the world in job, education and socially. Please if only in spite of me, continue to be healthy, employed at your good paying job and finish your education because you do have it in you.
Be well and good bye.
Thursday Will went back into the ER..this time they properly diagnosed the issue.
He had a heart attack.
They went in and unclogged a fully clogged artery with a stint and can see that he has other blockages that we are going to treat with life changes.
He should be released today and we will go from there.
Myself, work has been stupid stressful and just not worth it. With all that been going on, I have not sleep well in weeks....but i just basically slept for 36 hours so I should be good now.
The place where i host this blog has raised their prices again.
It's just not worth it anymore to pay to have this place here.
I will look for something cheaper, hopefully I can find something I can life with otherwise for the first time in a very very long time I will no longer have my own website.
Went to the E.R. last night because Wuf felt like he was having a stroke but it turns out his blood sugar was over 500.
Hopefully we can figure out how to keep it under controll medical insurance for you. Sorry we said you could be added, but you now need to have paperwork that you can't get in this state...
back to paying $400 and month pluss 10,000 in out of pocket.
back to giving up and filing bankrupt, going down to a job that only pays 12 and hour but has health know, not really enough to live on or anything.
got another $1800 to pay in cobra before i can start trying to get back on the kentucky medical shit.
sorry but working class people are not alowed to get ahead in this world
Oh..hrmm..lets see.
Money is tight, really tight...and we have to save up what we can because of a few months of Cobra payments at 438 a month untill i can get on the Wuf's new jobs insurance.
We decided to help a long time friend of Wuf's by driving 6 hours and fetching him so he can live on the couch for a bit untill he found a job. Long story short we drove him back the were he came from and parted ways.
I dont know quite what is wrong with my workstation but i am guessing the crashes are due to the capacitaters that are swollen.
The AC in Wu'fs car is not working
I hit a chunk of rock in a construction zone on my way to work and bent the shit out of the front rim and blew up the tire and broke a wheel stud as well. Nobody has a used rim for this car, i have to buy a new one from the auto dealer, plus 2 tires, pluss the stud pluss checking the alignment to make sure nothing else is broken.
Yay me
original box, original packaging, certificates, mint condition.