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We have parted ways.


  07:40:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

This is in response to something posted elsewhere.

Yes, it sounds like a small thing. Bringing home a puppy. We are not allowed to have any more animals in the house we don’t own. The one mom pays for, pays for electricity, water, insurance, trash pick-up and tosses in more even to pay for the mowing on the tractor she bought. The puppy discussion has been had on several occasions but no, William comes first. You do know the two cats here have been exposed to parvo and the puppy could get sick and die. There is no food in the fridge and the tires on your car are bald but sure, a puppy comes first. It's not like i came out and asked a few weeks ago when you had days off that perhaps it would be nice to fix me a meal for us to share together when i got home since you know, i come home from work and fix you food always even when you don’t let me know you have decided to eat at your mom’s or something. Oh, wait, I did...you asked for gas money and spent your time off elsewhere. ..the finger pointing game works both ways but I ask that we digress and step back and simply move on with our lives now as individuals.

Always remember that despite growing apart, there was and still is love there. There is no reason you should not continue to better your life because despite the recent illness. You have come up in the world in job, education and socially. Please if only in spite of me, continue to be healthy, employed at your good paying job and finish your education because you do have it in you.

Be well and good bye.

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