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  10:29:20 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

ok, so Bill has this really nice 1080p TV - big sucker
with my help he now has a really kicken signal processor too (7.1)
so, he has assembled over the past few months all this plus some nice PC parts to build a really good HTPC.

ok..so we installed windows on it, no problems things work ok...on to Ubuntu....
OK...so overscan is off- i knew that would happen although i had hoped the fact that the TV being and LCD this issue would not be.
buuut...Ubuntu refuses to see his Nvidia 9500 videocard in a way that makes installing the non-default restricted drives a pain.

So, got the driver installed (Nvidia REALLY should have some, you know directions...) It's fun because you have to remove the original drivers with you have to do without the gui running or X

OK, got that working...no..before we go into the custom screen resolution for over scan, lets get sound working (HDMI with digital audio passthru)..OK thats not hard...back to the display ... making all kings of Modeline resolution changes and its not doing anythingto the display...now...if you dont know this yopu have to do this wiht out the gui running and without X, editing a file in nano (command line file editor) turn on X (but you dont have a gui) and see what your #'s did...then back and forth and back and forth and..Why is this not changing??? ... >_> oh...hey, lets check the tv's settings..oh..look lets turn off this force centering thing and use the "just is" setting...wow...OK, no special modelines needed but we kept the custom Xorg file anyway...waiiit, now sound is broken...

Well..put the xorg file back to its default and sound works again.
Buuut...system will not browse his windows workgroup, Secondlife refuses to launch with a really odd error, compiz will not install, flash video crashes, Boxee crashes on startup.... -_- ... So...setting up the machine to upgrade to 9.04 up from 8.10 up from 8.04 and Hoping like heck that Bluetooth will still work and that these oddities will clear up a bit

1 comment

Comment from: bill

Bluetooth works quite well now so our upgrade to Jaunty 9.04 solved a lot of the initial problems encountered while using the Intrepid 8.10 distro, however the lack of Ubuntu’s ability to recognize the Nvidia 9500GT video card will not let Second Life install and Boxee crashes before it finishes loading. Once the Video card gains recognition I believe most of my problems will clear up. All in all my return to Linux has been an exciting though somewhat challenging experience, one that Vincent’s vast experience with Linux greatly enhanced. . .

10/02/09 @ 09:06 am

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