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...Wow...[Click Here}


  07:08:37 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

While online at the conference thing one night in my hotel room, i got what you see if you click the [Click Here] above.

I have heard of craziness like this but this is my first encounter with such a being...creepy and sad...
I edited the name but those friends of mine that wish can have the full name and YIM .etc..

I am sorry for you, whatever you name is...you lost the chance to make a friend and sorry still for whatever happen to you to make you such the way you are..I hope you find piece in your life and what you are looking for...


Comment from: Artic

Wow. You’ll be the… hmm, I can’t remember how many have run into him badly.

Me, Dragoon, Bob, Thunder (on FA), and now you, and that’s only the people who’ve told me XD

I think I’ll post the interesting bits of my encounter with him on my lj sometime.

05/26/07 @ 03:48 am
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

If you do, I’d like to have notice of it, if you don’t mind…I still can’t help feel sorry for him…*shrugs* Thats just the way i am

05/27/07 @ 11:08 pm

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