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  10:10:46 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Wellll...Here I set in the hospital again. This time it's not for me (^_^)

Step Mom having some test ran, nothing serious as i understand it.
Lets see what to report...

Not much has been going on. Working on the House a bit. The Server rebuild has been delayed due to hardware issues and the OS being silly about the Raid1 array i want the data on. I think i have most of the configuration settings down, I just need to get a working DVD rom -_-

The Lair work has been going kinda slow, the weather has Not been cooperating.

Work sucks...I am tired of the move towards more micro-management, tired of hyping shit like the bonus program rather than fixing the real issues the company has. The bonus program is a crap shoot, how much of a bonus you get seems more about luck rather than skill. The cost of living is increasing so much, I am having a hard time of it. I need a more fuel efficient vehicle but i can't afford the payments on one. I need to work on my resume...but there is not much on it...I have 15 years experience in a field that I excel at, but there is not where in this area that i could get a job. I would have to move to a new location for that. I'd like to, but...i need help with that...I got nowhere to go. Perhaps in a handful of years. I need to buy a house, renting is more expensive than buying, but that also will lock me into this area for 5 years or so until i could flip the house and move on...Mebe my Mates live will be in order enough that the possibility of moving closer to him will be an option by then...I miss him a lot...I mean, yeah i have been keeping myself occupied with puppy, but it is nowhere near the same feelings i get when i spend time with my Mate; the sex is nice though (*^_^*).

I notice that i have not been posting much, just not felt like it...

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This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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