« hurt | **Purrrrr** » |
In the depths of the human spirit is a fire.
The inner flame.
For some, it burns brightly.
For some, it burns quick.
Much of who we are comes from this fire.
Ethereal it is, born of the spirit and of the soul.
For some of us, it just flickers.
Dim though it is, when it is alight, it seems brighter when all you saw before was darkness.
But the darkness always comes back, reminds you what you are;
Just a flickering light amongst a sea of gems.
When the light goes out
Will you wish for its return?
Or will you finally let go.
Let the gems sparkle, they too will fade
But at least you’re no longer in their way
You can impact their glow.
Push them up from the depths below
Or pull them down as you so go
Stand in their light, obscuring their glory, Or just let go.
Silt remains of their fire falls, covering and protecting you
Encasing and holding you there in the cold deep
Safe from the warmth, and any hope that you too someday would shine