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  06:57:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Summary judgment, garnishment of %25 of your income...
Welcome to america, you have 3 choices.
1) below poverty but since thats rewarded by tons of government programs you may well live better and have more things than most people. You may not have 'money' but there are very few trailer trash red neck domiciles that I see that don't have a satellite dish bolted to the side. Your school, medical, food, utilities are subsidized or paid for by choice 3.
2) Rich...you can be rich and stay that way because you make enough or have enough to take advantage of all the loop holes or can get most of your living expenses taken care of by hiding things inside other costs.
3) Middle class...working poor...the people that make this country go, we do all the real work, foot all the bills and are taxed beyond our fair share.

I have nothing, no savings, no retirement, nothing towards entertainment or material things.

People keep telling me that's its all bull shit and I should be able to file for assistance or bankruptcy.
Well...no, I can't … Things that don't count against my out cost of living are the things that don't go towards my life. The country we live in doesn't acknowledge same sex anything, and the state we live in doesn't really either...can't claim him as a dependent because he claims dependents himself...food, phone, stuff for the car like parts and gas that he can't afford because nobody can live on an entry level wage must get removed from the equation. Corporate america has made it so that ALL jobs are entry level. Hell I got let go from my last job because of my paycheck, they fired everyone then re-hired at entry level wages and its the same everywhere I look. Tons of jobs on-line...all entry level pay for technical jobs requiring college level education...

I see no way out
I see nothing in the future
I have lost

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