« ow...moving day »

okay then


  08:19:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Got the moving truck all packed and we headed out...10 hours of driving...motel...10 more hours of driving.
The scenery was nice and pretty, pity we could not linger for some photo's.
Richards place in nice...big...the town is nice looking, not too urban but not in the sticks.
worked our asses off unloading then i got on a plane; barely made my connecting flight.
Got stranded at the airport 'cause my ride fell asleep.
Meanwhile my chest cold kept getting worse; by Friday I was pretty damn sick.
Wound up in the ER Sunday...

Got some medications and a pass from working for a few days. I go back to work tomorrow but I am feeling much better.
My Wuf did a great job of caring for me while ill.

1 comment

Comment from:

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck!

11/03/12 @ 01:42 am

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