« -_- I don't think so !revolations »

oh well Hell!


  05:54:07 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

ok..so. Dental appointment...cleaned teeth, flied the cavity that was noticed last visit..oops i have 2 more. Where do they come from..i do everything i am supposed to, cut out nearly all sodas, even stopped drinking as much coffee as i used to...Well..it come from Crohn's disease..yup..we have higher acid in our saliva and it causes the issue when we sleep...so I guess i must stop sleeping now as well..oh! yeas and that one tooth ths bee odd - its dead - no reason, just died, that means root canal...todays visit $800, root canal will cost $500 and the crown for it will be another $700...

Dragon NOT happy

1 comment

Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

it is?
Must be spam, but it’s nice the hear anyway.

04/03/08 @ 12:54 pm

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