« Well the dryer finally went *foom*(^_^) =^.^= =^..^= »

Oh my! its a wall of text


  05:23:33 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well…here I sit at the airport.
Spent the night here…delayed flights.
Feeling concerned…

day one I did a first for me – I don’t think I have mentioned on this blog….
I never allowed my self the opportunities to do anything in a social manner.
In all respects before a week ago, Dragon was a virgin to all aspects of anything that had to do with physical closeness to another….
So, in the car a tired dragon made out with a bunny while Qat and another were in the front seat. We all went out for a bite, then we went to Qats lair. Now…I’m a naturalist, so is Qat – but I wasn’t fully expecting him and bunny to immediately shed their coverings…they did…so did I and it felt good. Bunny played a bit with dragon then but dragon could not perform. Bunny did yiff dragons muzzle a few times, Qat did once. Dragon and bunny were cuddling and making out and playing with each other a lot, dragon cuddle and snuggle with Qat and hugs and kisses…though no tongue like with bunny. I got to get physically close to others, for the first time, in a bit of an overwhelming manner. At least I hope that’s the problem…Dragon and bunny pleasured themselves for Qat a few times sometimes just us sometimes Qat in the middle. I like to cuddle, very much. I like the hugs the closeness, I like to kiss, to smell, lick, taste. I never smelled another’s musk…I like it. Laying together, spooning in bed…All pleasurable, all felt…comfortable to me…but…all throughout I was having performance issues. Something odd since I am normally…um…up and ready and complete twice a day of more. I can’t deny mental and physical attraction to them both in varying degrees. But…I spent a lot of time sad too, introspective, pensive, crying, fearing.
I became someone I don’t really like…the quite dragon…to a degree.
We had fun. The forests there are of such a beauty…they feel familiar to me.
Dragon worked and fixed Qat’s keyboard, and worked on his car. We went out to eat a few times. Dragon and Bunny made a meal (not the dragons best pasta dish but was o.k.) Bunny made meals too. We sat there at the table, and had a meal together – it felt so nice. Everything felt so nice, so comfortable, I was at ease but also all the while I was numb..inside..scared and confused about my lack of sexual performance – I have never been unable to get things moving before – why now?
The walk on the beach, the hikes in the forest, physical closeness, the live play read at a Qat’s friends house, our meals, climbing on the bunny and touching, cuddling, exploring him. Tasting their…um…being able to show our affection in public, watching Qat make his art, listening to him talk and tell one of his stories and plays, playing with computer stuff and talking with bunny. Qat petting dragon in the car, hugging him, rubbing on his back and tummy, dragon and Qat walking to the coffee stand, watching some good movies with them, helping to clean the lair, cuddling in bed, dragon running his paws over them both in the shower, the feel of Qat’s warm paws in the dragons, giggleing and being a bit silly as Dragon and bunny shaved and…um..shaved more together, dragon running his paws on the Qats chest, hugging him…
It was all so good…so why then the sadness, why then the lack of performance from me, why the numb feeling inside…what does it all mean? Whats wrong with me?
Help came. I did what i should have in the first place...talked to my friends...By all creation look at what i have done – all the boundaries i crossed all at once, it no wonder i kinda freaked a bit – Shit I'd think thats normal! I'm sorry Qat, you tried to explain it, but you are my mate, I'd never disbelieve you but your so kind and gentile. It needed to come from my peers – i should have talked to them sooner – Live and learn Love, Live and learn. (^_^)
I plan on doing both with you both


Comment from: Aan  

Slighty correction
nudism is naked
naturism is naked in connection with nature
naturalismis to do with nature. A love of nature, an example would be bird watching, going for walks, fishing to a certain extent and that sort of thing. Nothing to do with nudism.

08/03/07 @ 01:04 pm
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon

(^_^) Noted and the word I used fits Purfectly then - because I am connected with nature and love to be nude in it.
Thank You

08/03/07 @ 05:47 pm

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