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New Home server


  11:33:00 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Meet HAL5.
The old server is old and out of drive space. I have had this guy for awhile but life stuff kept me from splurging on parts to get it back into production.
A good friend of mine recently handed over some computer things and stuff and it gave me enough drives to get this guy up and running.

I managed to purchase a memory upgrade awhile ago but drives were what I really needed.
I wanted to drop in 4 2TB (the largest this raid card will address) drives but that will have to wait still.

Dell PowerEdge 1900
2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5120 @ 1.86GHz
Memory 16420MB
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa

SCSI Disks
ATA ST3250310AS

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This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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