« ok..so it did not live...but it willslow day »



  03:04:36 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

so, i downloaded it for the Wii and have been playing it for a while now.
I don't like it. I loved MegaMan, and i like how they have kept true to the 8 bit of that era up to a point.
the looks is great, the sound is great but it's playability is boring tedious and one of those games where you find yourself dying in the same spot over and over untill you get the exact timing just right or just plain get lucky...

I can't recomend it to anyone

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This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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