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its all my fault?...and goodbye


  05:07:36 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

ok...so, you were online with your old accounts...The ones i deleted months ago when i asked about them and you told me you were never going to use them again. I should have known better than to expect contact on the account we have always contacted each other on before. apparently the same goes for email, i should have somehow known not to use the one we have used in the past...you know..just somehow..I am supposed to know you may have missed my calls to you when your Cell was off. I was supposed to know that you said you would talk to me on a certain day but you decided not to...wow, sorry, my bad.

Lets turn back the clock here a month ago...The last thing my friend said to me prior:
”hey hun sorry i missed our work out Wednesday i didnt realise i wasnt logged into my yahoo till you had already went, ill be going over to ty's for the weekend so i wont be here for todays work out, ill make sure monday is free so we can go then.
talk to you when i get back.”

the monday in question freind would say:
“thank you Vincent for being my friend and thank you for doing all that you have done for me. I feel like my life has changed in a different direction than where it was in the past. I am sorry to say I feel it best if we should part ways...”

What I would have said:
“Thank you Kaz for being my friend, and thank you for all that you have done for me. I am sad and disappointed that I will not be in your life anymore, but I understand and wish you the best of luck in your future direction. Know that I will be here if you have need of me, and I will remember you always.”

Instead you took a different approach and rationalized to yourself and those you choose to have changed for that you are the victim of me....so be it then...I would however like to say thank you

thank you for going camping with me

thank you for showing me how to make a mean gin and tonic

thank you for sowing me that people can be ashamed of being near me

thank you for letting me buy you cloths

thank you for taking me to the Y

thank you for playing video games with me even though we are completely different at it

thank you for showing me friends don't confide in me

thank you for letting me work on your computer and your car

thank you for pointing out my weaknesses

thank you for kissing me

thank you for letting me kiss you

thank you for letting me do your homework until 12am while you go on a date

thank you for being there for me when I was broken hearted

thank you for showing me I can still be romantic

thank you for letting me be there when you were broken hearted

Thank you for being the first guy I took as a date to my fathers

thank you for showing me that friendships mean little

thank you for showing me I could be passionate

thank you for telling me we had no sparks

thank you for introducing me to music I have not heard before

thank you for letting me take you to a club

thank you for staying at my house for weeks and not offer to pitch in

thank you for letting me pay your room at AC

thank you for showing me I can have dreams

thank you for giving me thoughtful gifts

thank you for meeting my friends, online and off

thank you for not letting me meet most of your friends

thank you for showing me that dreams can be false hopes

thank you for showing me that even best friends will hurt you

thank you for reminding me that people are selfish and forgetting

thank you for being incapable of ending a relationship with any modicum of decency

You have changed, changed with every new person you encountered in your life, you changed in odd and quick directions but you failed to grow. You failed to take those experiences and say thank you for them. Someday you may.
Good bye my friend, may you find your path.

1 comment


It does work for me, thanks

04/02/10 @ 10:08 am

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