« mehgone fishing »

i ran out of beer


  10:31:58 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

A fisher man i am not.

I caught a few here and there.

I sun burned, i generally do so the first time parts of me that have not seen the sun in a bit get to do so. From now on, that area will tan...until winter.

i met a kitty cat, poor thing. She was pretty wild but i have a way with felines. I taught her some manners when asking for food and she tamed up a bit. When i petted her, i could see a light go off in her little head. Either she remembered getting pets before she was dropped of in the wilderness, or these were the first she had ever had and they felt good.

The stars were pretty, the bugs were bad.

...enlightenment did not find me...

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