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I dub the ... SHINY


  03:56:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
I dub the ... SHINY

it is done!
ok so i could not wait and got the drives and did the install ... It was computer geek night at Bill's !!
I helped him with installing a new processor in his workstation, migrate then old proc into moms workstation and I get moms proc and a Celly.

My hardware install went great and i am really happy with the results of the case, both in looks and in the cooling; it's Much cooler..10c cooler !

the OS was troublesome. I wanted to do something that made sense to me and is a normal thing to do in Windows but seems not to be in Ubuntu - run the OS from a RAID0 - It is (after being up until 4:30am) installed and running just fine now.

Thia also marks me and Scott's first fight..well..disagreement. Our first and it's biased on computers...I find that refreshing actually.
(I Love you Scott)

He has been building a new workstation of his own ^_^ I hope it all works well

I dub the ... SHINY
I dub the ... SHINY
I dub the ... SHINY
I dub the ... SHINY
I dub the ... SHINY
I dub the ... SHINY


Comment from: OpenRebel

Wow! When you first told me the case had a shiny finish, you really meant it. Not to mention that very clean wiring job you did.

Speaking of which, the last machine you wired like that came up in conversation today, now I’m going to have to send my friend these picks too!

And yeah, I still think putting two 320gig SATA drives in a workstation when you have networked data storage for your files is a total waste. Those babies should be in the file server.

P.S. Could you post a much larger shot of the cases inside? (and maybe that exterior one that shows off your body so well). ^_^

08/11/08 @ 01:46 am
Comment from: Vincent The Dragon
08/12/08 @ 08:30 pm

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