« ..ummm.....ow..ow..ow.. »

grumble grumble


  11:25:03 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

To say I'm overworked at work is a bit of an understatement.
I'm running the service calls of 2 areas and i do 2 jobs normally anyway.
Quite honestly, my manager is not helping much and is quickly loosing any confidence we technitions had in his ability to be a manager..and it's stressful and pissing me off.

Its a situation that not going away anytime soon, the tech they hired to replace the one they fired has no experience so it will be a year or more before he starts to be proficient.

I've been a copier technition for 15 years and I'm getting burned out; there is no foreseeable way to move up at the moment. This branch is Not growing and the job i was hired to grow into five years ago has not solidified and will not, in my opinion.

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