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Getting something done


  06:21:00 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]
Getting something done

It's a little past due and I have had the parts for awhile but it's either been raining for 40 days or cold or I am just too busy.

Since I have my work service car here at the house due to the pandemic. I felt it was time and the weather has been good.
I have a 2009 Honda Fit and its due for spark plugs and valve adjustment. Now, spark plugs are easy but I have never done valve adjustments so there was a little trepidation.

All in all, i did okay I think. The valves were defiantly off. Motor still ticks more than I think it should but time will tell if i messed anything up.

Next thing it is due for is replacing the coolant. Easy job, just got to order the funky blue stuff these Honda's take.
Car has 125,000 miles and I expect to get that much more at the very least.

Getting something done
Getting something done
Getting something done
Getting something done

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