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A Dragons Hoard - holiday gifts


  10:12:28 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well, holidays went well with various family members. The gifts i gave went over well. Had a good time at my dads, i brought Munchkins card game along some of us played and had fun.

Lets see, I got Dragonology, a neat little 3D laser etched glass cube with a cute fairy in it, a really nice hooded jacket, some gourmet coffee with chocolate :> , about 1/4 of a cow in meat, and a real nice 14.2volt drill with a screw shooting adjustable clutch (this was the only thing on my 'list' as it were) :>>

Brought my present to my self, the computer over to mom and bills(step dad). He is a computer guy like me which is great. Showed him the computer (named Big-N-Blue). Went online to SecondLife to see what it looked like and to show mom N bill. Man i need a better monitor; bill has a 19inch lcd and i am still working with 16inch crt's. SL looked even better on a bigger monitor. Mom and bill are amused by SL and don't understand the furie part...but they only know what they have seen on t.v. and don't have a clue. Neither can begin to grasp the therian aspect of myself and i wish they would stop digging about my sexuality...no mom i am not gay, but i am a bit bi so if that makes me gay in your eyes then so be it. Besides i have not had to opportunity to explore many sexual avenues yet...Thats the depressing part of the holidays, being around family that all have mates, boy/girl friends...i really really want that type of companionship and have no idea how to get it and/or are too afraid to...

Wow, this entry has taken an odd turn...

Anyway, the one thing i got that i did NOT want is this chest cold..

well my coffee cups empty, i think i will stop now. Hope everyone had a good holiday

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