well...update on the car. Compression test says things are fine. Replaced the spark plugs, wires and it runs a lot better. Ordered some hoses and the EGR system.
I am currently in chicago for a week doing some training for work. Nearly everyone in my class is a total noob or totally new to this brand so that makes things interesting.
I have had a sore throat for a few days, kinda comes and goes but right now its kicking my ass....well, i have homework to do, better get to it.
Well...The truck is running.
It was not just plugs, one of the spark modules died.
My car still runs, still gets good gas mileage but has a lack of power/stutter under load and is using 2 quarts of oil every 5000 miles.
I ordered a tool, compression testing kit which i am guessing is going to tell me the rings are shot.
Part of me still wants to fix the thing up but part of me wants to just get another car.
Only have a few hundred saved up, can't really afford a car payment not sure what to do.
Truck still needs a full suspension rebuild, rims, tires, some seal here and there and a sensor or two.
Car would still need shocks, CV joints, Clutch.
When do we win?
Still runs like crap and still is popping a misfire code.
Hoping it's just fowled up plugs from the evap issue.
Out of money right now, will have to baby it for now.
On Friday my Mother in-law passed away.
Shirley Vario, I knew you not long enough to know you well but I own you a debt of gratitude.
It was her that got my husband on that dating website where we met so I have her to thank.
Until we meet again, be at piece.
Meouth healed up from her loosing an eye but her body never caught up.
She never gained up any weight and while happy and fine she took a turn this weekend and decided it was her time.
She is with Mr. Speckles and Miss FancyLu now.
She was loved and I'll see her again some day.
well one of the fun things about having a car or truck with some miles on it is the things that wear out...
We are down to our last $150 ... fuel line fix lasted until today.
Won't have any money until Monday after quitting time.
I might be able to replace the line with regular rubber fuel line but i am sure it will rub against something and fail sooner than later.
...i drained and saved what i could from the tank, just filed it, can't afford to loose it all...GD tired of everything being a struggle.
We work hard...we have nothing to show for it...no backup plan, no savings, no equity, no retirement, we barely spend anything on entertainment...whats the point?
Just in time for us to be completely broke due to paying the taxes we owe....my car decided it wants to spurt gas everywhere.
Had some friends over the help me yank out the gas tank...at least it was not what i feared it would be.
It's not the pump, its the fuel line....which is a dealer only part....but we did find a kit that may work...*crosses talons*
i'll put it back together tomorrow....also due for oil and tire rotate so I'll do that too.
Looks like i got a pretty nasty oil leak on the back end of the motor now too, i think its the valve cover and or the sensors on the end of the cam shafts.
There looks to be a good amount of oil in the throttle body too...not sue whats up with that.
If this repair kit fixes the gas issue then all i need now is brakes, CV joints, main seals, oil pump seals, oil pump rebuild kit, struts, plugs, wires, whatever is making that damn bearing noise in the timing belt area, EGR solenoid, rear wiper environmental seal, hatch shocks, clutch and bearing kit....
Now, this picture is not so great...taking a picture with a cell phone of a TV is not something i have quite got down pat.
Wuf loves me thiiiis much
I finally got my meds, at a different hospital than where i normally.
I don't really care for the place but meds are meds.
Had some friends over again for some video game fun which was great.
Tonight we went to a hockey game, courtesy of Williams work. It was pretty good but....the game makes no sense to me.
The Ford center seems way smaller than it should be and the parking and traffic flow is horrid.
Ahhh vacation….I have gotten nothing done...at all!
Oh, I had some silly notion that I would get some projects done but oh well.
I still don't have an answer for my medicine but I am doing well, some of that may be due to the lack of stress.
What I have been doing other than just housework and fiddling around is playing my Hyrule Warriors game.
We met some local furs that are nice and did some hanging out, Playing CAH, making home made pizza and generally having a nice time. They also have been playing the game with me which helped get me past some levels. Hope to hang out more. They were even kind enough to sell me on the cheap a two person reclining love seat in good working order.
Also my mother managed to snag a PokéMon Go Plus for me so I have been doing some walk abouts.
Sadly, today is the last day and I have to go back to the grind on Monday.