
  08:49:47 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

You know those internet meetings you occasionally hear about that end in “OMG I found the love of my life!” – Well…The Cat and The Dragon Love each other.
(^_^) =(^.^)=

Now we have to make sure that love extends out into the real world. Plans are in startup phase for use to do so. No matter what happens next. I love you Snow.

The Dragon is giddy and scared and happy and…cant wait to be in physical contact with you.


  12:15:56 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

It would seem that all these years of hiding who i am have been mostly for naught...Thus far everyone i have told and talked to about me being gay have all responded with feelings and thoughts that they kinda already had thoughts that i was or simply are excepting the fact without prejudice. Today i had discussions with my step father and good friend about furry. I had the impression that he thought a certain way about it and was a bit incorrect...whether they are happy about it or not, i am relieved that the friend and family i have told thus far have not gotten all “OMG you sick freak, never speak to me again” but it kinda pissed me off as i think about all those missed opportunities...all the time lost because i was afraid to show the people i love who i am and there-in also closing myself off to the world...

..now i hope the new friends i am making can see it in their hearts to help me play catch-up...


  09:18:21 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

IRL, the dragon has only one actual friend...Not what i would call a 'true' friend but a very good friend...He has helped me more on the house than anyone else and i help him out from time to time with stuff...he borrows tools and i help him with computer stuff. He is the one that usually watches my furbabies when i am away...I have been afraid to tell him because i did not want to loose him as a friend...I told him i was gay about 2 hours ago...i did not loose a friend (^_^)
The dragon is happy - and relieved


  04:55:09 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Unpacking and putting away stuff from a campout – My last one as a member of that organization.
The non-official/official policy is “don't ask – don't tell” - But – if found out, you will be expelled, this policy is for both youths and adults. I am tired of being alone, tired of acting differently around people...I want more out of life than coming home to an empty house. I want love, companionship, friends that understand, friends to go and do stuff with where i can be who i really am...More and more people are coming to know that i am gay. I don't want to cause problems – so i am leaving – i must move on.
I don't like it, i don't agree with it, it makes me sad. But there is nothing i can do about it.


  10:59:36 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Ug...sore..not worked hard in a while.
family and a friend over to help with working on the lair and cleaning out some trash and crap from the yard.

Not actually the most stellar of ways to spend a Saturday but it needed to be done and the weather was nice.
Its nice outside today too...


  09:02:47 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Wow...slow week in Vincent's life...not much going on...not really...getting a chance to talk to a lot of new contacts from both Pounced.com and kyfurs.com.

Learning a few more things about how silly i have about my 'perceived' issues regarding crohn's and some of the physical side effects.
Talking with others, if only via chat, is helping me gain confidence i think for when i meet up with fursons IRL
and i have picked up the habbit of (^_^) a lot now...not sure why...maybe i am happy...really happy for once in my life.


  11:22:11 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

So like the movie night with sister did not quite happen they way it was planned - she wanted us to see that hannibal movie but it is no longer playing. She was insistent though and brought a movie over to watch on my big screen (^_^)
I kind of thought the fact that she wanted to spend time with me on St.Patty was because mom had kind of blabbed - but it seems she just wanted to spend time with me, we are/were kind of close - i am a listener and family seems to be able to talk to me about their issues and concerns. I don't mind, hell i like to help...but i did tell her i was gay and she was like "oh o.k., so like anyway then i told ...blah blah..etc" it totally did not phase her in the least (^_^).

A new online contact that got me thinking and such about stuff...i registered with kyfurs.com - there may not be a lot of fursons in my area but within a 2 hour drive, there is a great deal more and thats not really very far...


  07:57:12 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Work was like...busy.
of the 3 techs..2 were out...so like (o_o)
Spent some RnR in SL.

Nothing planned at all for this weekend. supposed to go to the movies with my sister.
Man I need a life...


  06:18:49 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Everything is fine
No signs of cancer (i am in a high risk group for that)
Crohn's areas have only some minor irritation, likely due to some emotional stress and the stress of the prep.
I have been upgraded to only needing one every 2 years rather that every 1 years.
so yeah
[happy dance]


  09:20:45 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well lets see...nothing much of interest happen lately...
Spoke with an online friend Friday – we talked like until 2am !

He has suggested that i mirror this blog in LiveJournal – i need to look into that. Seems that a lot of furs have LJ and hey, i could use all the advertisement i can get – you never know I may attract the attention of my potential mate or at lease some new friends.

Have been giving serious thought the moving to a new local. Somewhere where i can start out being the furson i am and not the one i have let the world around me see...but...I like where i am at as far as the cost of living is low and I have a good job...I still have a few years to go on this house remodel and then likely a year or more to get financially fit so I have plenty of time to mull it over.

Spring is here. The world outside my window is coming a live...so is the grass...i spent a while yesterday cleaning out the garage, putting away crap that has been in the yard and took the tractor deck apart. Bought some new blades and a new safety switch for the electrical system that has been giving me fits...i need to go out there an finish that up...

Today I start my liquid diet and tonight the prep – yuck – for my yearly colonoscopy.

The prep has gotten better over the years but the act of cleansing and the lack of food is not much on the fun factor – the procedure itself – who knows, the meds you are given make you wake up in the recovery room with zero knowledge of the procedure you were awake for...I dont like that, i would rather have memory of what happened, even if there was pain involved.

The busyness of the past weeks work schedule has left my lair in a mess...i will be spending most of the day cleaning- i find myself daydreaming – wishing there was someone here with me – oh the fun we would have 'cleaning' the lair...


  09:44:20 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

I did have a bit of fun while up there. Went to dinner and a movie wif a fox up there i know from online.
It's been a long time since i went out with a friend :>
I need to do that more often, perhaps, no - certainly it will help with my social skills and felling more at ease...
The class was good, got to play with some OS's i don't get a chance to see very often....Mac and Novel.
well - tommorow will be a long day...there is no telling what disasters await me at work...


  08:17:04 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Back up in Indy - Only for a few days though.

We are evaluating a new course for giving technitions ACCT (Advanced Certified Connectivity Technition) for some of the advanced network integration...boring

I have been to several schools this year, they are getting kind of in the way of life a bit...I damn sure better get a good sized raise this year...

right now...in class...bored...bored...bored


  09:22:57 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

New month - New Moon - New outlook?

A new start perhaps, dont know...but i hope so
It's been kind of an emotional month.
During my kind of mental breakdown last month I finally told mom i was gay
I have been hiding so much for so long, pulling inside and hiding behind walls i put up. I always kind of felt it did not really matter because there was nothing really worthy of myself to give to anybody so why bother to let people know who i truly was. My destroyed self image got in the way. i may have issues and such but...i cant let those tie me down anymore or they will surely destroy me...Crohn's has taken so much from me, some of it i let it take...but not anymore...i have no doubt that i will get hurt, make mistakes, likely fall to pieces a few times more, but...i have to believe there is something, someone out there for me...

...even in the darkness there is hope, i just needed to open my eyes to see...


  07:33:32 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Hal, I made a grave mistake.
I am humbling apologizing for my rash and hurtful conclusion.
repairing that kind of damage may not be possible but i wanted what little of the word that visits this place to know that i was a total F-Tard.

  07:29:02 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well, its remicade time again…so here I sit…
A lot has happened since the last time I was here. Life affirming soul lightening good things. I have found a friend that has helped me to realize things about myself, made me feel good about myself. I have decided to open up and let the world se the real me..not the one I have shown them in the past..if they don’t like it they can stuff it. I find myself with the confidence to open up to people and feel comfortable talking about just normal stuff…I am sure I have a long way to go, no doubt there will be instances of pain and rejection but…if I don’t get out there and try…alone and in pain will I die. I have no intentions of being alone in life anymore.

Second life is great, I have met and learned things and people there…but I need to cut back a bit…my first life needs my attention right now…I still plan to spend lots of time there…but it does not need to be my crutch anymore.



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Vincent The Dragon

This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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