Your results detect SARS-CoV-2. A positive test means that you are infected with COVID-19.
I got an email - I have been in close contact with someone whom tested positive. We spent 3 half days in close proximity working together to install some big equipment. This was Monday through Wednesday. I started feeling off on Thursday (just a migraine so meh, I get thous). Friday is a vacation day for me so I was working around the house and started feeling fatigued and yucky. By the night I feel like crap - I have NO FEVER - I still feel like crap so am heading into town for a Covid test. I have Monday off already as its a vacation day ...Man I was going to get some projects done...*sigh*
For the first time in a long time we decided to try and setup a tree.
One of our cats being an eternal asshole, we have been reluctant.
Also it's a very small house with not much room to setup such things.
Sure it's a little Charlie Brown'ish but it turned out okay.
Our turkey day is today as this is the first day in a while where were are all her at the same time and not working.
Cornbread stuffing is something I have not done before.
Pumpkin pie is from scratch using an actual pumpkin and not a can
Roasted the seeds
Basted the bird every half hour
devil eggs from a recipe book nearly twice my age.
I eated too much...
So this week save Monday, I am on a somewhat forced vacation.
I do normally like to take vacation around this week. I am not normally allowed to take vacation more than a day or two here and there because there is no longer anyone at work with any experience and/or they need constant overseeing and all issues always come to me to work out.
Normally I take this time to do lots of house works and projects but this time I have been lazy....I have a metric but ton of things to do but so far all I have done is clean house and play nintendo. feels good to be lazy.
I did start a project though..I have had these 250 gig SSD's a while now and have swapped out the 60 Gig in my computer for the new in the process of re-installing all my stuff as this is a clean install and not a migration.
Not to bad but I do neeeeed a set of drum brake tools or pliers or something.
2020 being apparently the worst year ever ...seems to be the year of tires for us.
Williams car ate 2 tires from the ball joints going bad, then 2 more that were just worn.
My car got 2 but NEEDS 2 more.
Front tires for the yard tractor - Then the back ones blew.
Pretty sure Justin had some tires on his car go.
And today one of the fronts on the YardMan will not hold air.
I have had a email account for a million years.
Going to have to give it up.
Bellsouth swallowed into AT&T - EVERYTHING about AT&T sucks, I have not been happy with them EVER.
AT&T offloaded email to Yahoo - Yahoo has ALWAYS sucked and good luck getting useful support.
Now its 'Currently by AT&T' - they have decided to only use OAUTH without like..letting you know or anything - utterly broken IMAP access - and the use less secure app/passkey simply fails on all ends....There is no support, they do not care, they want you to use the junk web interface or some shitty phone app.
I am forwarding ALL bellsouth email to my gmail account and using that until I give up on it's lack of spam filtering at which point I will probably use a account.
Got some work done on the motorcycle. 1983 Honda V65 Magna that needs some love. I am going to get it back on the day...
What are you doing with yours ?
Most of ours is going to paying back taxes....
Going to finally get that drag blade for the Yardman Tractor so we can hopefully start fixing the driveway and flattening out the yard a bit.
What little is left will just go in our very small savings.
All in all the money is just a drop in the bucket, only half a months pay check.
I'm sure we the working poor will pay for it and more once this is over and the rich/politicians think of more ways to get richer.