
  10:18:06 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

sucks kinda...i am on call for the entire month :(
I would not mind it for A trial but not a whole month of them


  08:14:08 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

okay..so once again i am going to try and customize my Avatar in SecondLife, since i got a new one...trying to figure it out with a 2d program is not working so i thought i would try Blender again, installed just fine but will not install the SL Primstar scripts. no, they are for a previous version of Blender..okay...so i DL the previous version but it will not install because my version pf Python is to new, i install the older version, but blender still says i need it...fuck!


  09:37:16 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

well..seems i need to do something with my 401K i still have with the place i used to work with or on Sept. 30th they will steal it...wonderful, more crap to figger out


  03:49:39 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

This thing doesn't update itself!

I had a whole wall of text for here, but i seem to have forgotten most of it so here are the updates for you.

School, it came, it went i was bored
Work, apparently nothing much happened, thats good.
We took 2 friends with us to the club in L-ville, i got us a nice suite and we had a blast.
oh, yes!...Will asked me to marry him. (*^_^*)
We need to figure out the rings, and it's going to happen next year as we want to go off and have a vacation this year.


  08:29:32 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

i think i have the flu. Google says if you get the flu in the summer it's prolly H1N1.

Joy...hope it goes away real soon as its stupid at work and i have to go back to Chicago Sunday for another week of learning shit.

Will had fun on the 4th with his family but my poor Wuf got sunburnt :oops:
I stayed home and with my brothers help, did some drywall.


  07:04:16 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

i was enjoying myself here at school learning new things...until today.

The boss is all in a fit over one of my techs breaking a gear...things happen, we learn from them and move on.
I am not reprimanding him for a mistake; if we did that every time something happened, we would have no techs.

I have broken stuff, i'll break stuff again. It's the nature of the job and the last time he broke something was 8 months ago. WTF!


  11:43:44 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Well, it's official. We are now a Toshiba dealership. I get to run off to the first school because they need it NOW. and by now i mean i leave Sunday for a week in Chicago...joy (-_-)

Copiers are so much of a different beast than postage equipment, the boss is going to have a hard time understanding that and I will have a hard time teaching her.


  09:32:51 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

i wonder if i win, will i let work know or just not show up...

Busy week, had one Tech off at school (he did quite well). This week is being busy too, and yet somehow i am supposed to find time to burn through about 5 CBT's (computer based training) prereq's for our new Toshiba line...yeah...right


  10:40:25 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

sooo...Dad gave me his old table saw. Craftsman circa 1970
It...needs a bit of work.
Found one part on ebay for $26.
Needs a new blade arbor and shaft, the original has a bit of a bend in to due to the pully being mostly shot and dad's Yankee engineering. Also the original rip fence sucks but it will take a modern fence. All-in-all my research shows that for a 40 year old saw, people in the woodworking hobby are still using them. For a few hundred bucks, i'll have a nice saw (^_^)
thanks dad


  10:14:02 am by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

stormity storm storm.

no damage here, but others did not fair so well.

Nothing else really going on other than work driving me crazy and being poor...nothing changed.

Remicade time that i can't afford.


  11:17:21 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

...I guess i'll have to get Prince a plushie of his own, because i can't get him to stop humping my wolf plush..not that i mind so much but he never cleans him up after he has had his way with him and i am left to snuggle a plushie with a wet tail...


  07:44:20 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

New guy is going to take some time to train, we have had mostly wind shield time so that makes it hard. I am swamped at work and things are backed up; when i am at the shop i am interrupted like every 15 mins...

Will's truck is still broke...my sister has lent me her car for a bit.

We had sister, her BF, a family friend, niece, mom along with me and Will were here for mothersday...oh, yeah and mom.

Me and Joe, the family friend replaced the struts in sisters car (the one i am borrowing) then we had ribs!.
It was a nice day.

one half of my yearly income goes right to health care...that really sucks because we don't have much left over for bills and life.


  08:36:34 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

Facebook = tons more spam in your in box

Hired a new guy, he starts Monday

The transmission went *foom* on Will's truck

security pics of the guy who stole my credit card have been got, Will says he knows who it is.


  03:11:27 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

love it or hate it...i'll take the latter.
Will re-activated mine, so there it is. I still won't use it for blogging as that is what this page is for; and don't send me any facebook app games crap, i have them blocked. (^_^)

Work, eat, poop. sleep, circle the drain of debt...Thats all that going on.
Mom has been away for a week to her BF in Connecticut so i have been doing some more work on the house. I have more or less abandoned the house project blog. I know what i have done and there are few that really care; so whats the point. Besides i can barely make posts update here in the main blog.

It's been raining here for like a month and a half, my yard is like pudding with some grass and weeds poking out.
The tornado missed us but got my dads house, as i understand there is not a lot of damage to the house its self but the trees and his woods are a total loss. I'll miss that, i grew up in that woods. The trees were my friends, now they are all gone. :'(


  10:45:09 pm by Vincent The Dragon, Categories: Announcements [A]

can't find technicians...will have to hire a virgin tech.
Hired two of them in a row..they both called in the day before their start day and decided the job was not for them...

Rate change is upon us, making some headway into the hundreds of service calls to go out and install the new rates but Balls thats a lot of calls for 2 guys to do. Having sales guys and the HR person out running around doing some.


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Vincent The Dragon

This is my first attempt at blogging and replaces my original web site that has been online since...a long time ago. If you came looking for The Dragon BathHouse and Cafe, this is it's replacement. There will be lots do do here and if you are not carefull you will learn all about me. I might learn about me as well, along with metting and/or learning about you and that's the whole point isn't it ?


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